Changchaldawn: A sour plant found in Hmar Hills

Changchaldawn is a short plant found in Hmar Hills. It is sour and edible and children are very fond of it. (We need more information on this plant/shrub. Please send it to ) Photo contributed by Lts Tusing.

‘Changchaldawn’ is a short-fleshy plant found in Hmar Hills. It is sour and edible and children are very fond of it. (We need more information on this plant/shrub, its English name, family, etc. Please send it to ) Photo contributed by Lts Tusing.




1 Comment

  • E. Pulamte
    11 years ago Reply

    Thank you Mr. Sungte for posting this image. It reminds me of the time when i was just 4-5 years old when my friends and me used to go to the forest to collect it from the outskirt of our village in Senvon. It is a relie to see such pics. i hope you continue the good work.

    New Delhi

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