Tinsuong Lungpui (Tinsuong stone) in Hmar Hills

This is the stone from which Tinsuong village in Hmar Hills got its name. Locals said this huge stone points towards Suongphek village and henceforth the name 'Tinsuong' ('Tin' in Hmar means 'pointing' or 'aiming').

This is the stone from which Tinsuong village in Hmar Hills got its name. Locals said this huge stone points towards Suongphek village and henceforth the name ‘Tinsuong’ (‘Tin’ in Hmar means ‘pointing’ or ‘aiming’).  The unique feature of this stone is that it is right in the middle of the village with a smaller stone nearby. “How these two stones came to be placed right at the top of a hill-top village still amazed us,” Lalsang, a resident of the village, said.




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