Hmar tribe unites against mass rape

Hmar youths take part in the protest against the rape of 21 Hmar women by the United National Liberation Front cadres in Lungthulien village in Hmar Hills, Manipur, in 2006.

BRAVEHEARTS: Hmar youths take part in the protest rally against the rape of 27 Hmar women by cadres of the United National Liberation Front (UNLF) in New Delhi on April 4, 2006. Even minors were not spared by the valley-based militants when they unleashed their brutality on innocent villagers of Lungthulien village on a cold January night in 2006. Photo courtesy Samuel Songate




1 Comment

  • Lalropuia
    12 years ago Reply

    What is the status of the demand for relief to the victims? Can anyone post the latest update on the case?

    Thank u.

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