Hmar Inpui Welcomes Creation of Pherzawl District

The Hmar Inpui today issued a press statement welcoming the creation of Pherzawl District by the Government of Manipur. The supreme council of the Hmar community said that the new revenue district would be a “harbinger of a brighter future” for the remote region of the state.





  • Lalremruata Songate
    8 years ago Reply

    This is a very matured reaction. I learnt from some sources that some tribe/s are not happy with the creation of the district…if that is true, it is a sad thing. Despite the district name and location being Pherzawl, inhabited by the Hmar tribe, our kindred Zo tribes should not feel insecure. In fact, it is a time for rejoicing.

    • Hmar
      8 years ago Reply

      Absolutely! It is time everyone practice what they preached about being Zo brothers and sisters.

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